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West Region Delivery Team
The West Region Delivery Team consortium comprises of Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure and Fulton Hogan for construction, Programmed for maintenance and facility management, Stantec and Atlas for design and engineering. Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure and Fulton Hogan are now recruiting for key roles to support the ramp up of the construction program.
The West Region Delivery Team is integrated with Sydney Water under a collaborative contracting framework - Partnering for Success (P4S). West Region Delivery Team have been engaged to deliver design, construction, maintenance and facility management services for the next ten (10) years across Sydney Water’s wastewater, water and recycled water systems. Our program of work looks after Sydney Water’s assets across the Greater Western Sydney region which extends from Sydney’s Inner West suburbs, out to the Blue Mountains, down to Bargo in the South West and includes the Western Sydney Growth Area and part of the North West Growth Centre.
About West Region Delivery Team
The West Region Delivery Team is integrated with Sydney Water under a collaborative contracting framework - Partnering for Success (P4S). West Region Delivery Team have been engaged to deliver design, construction, maintenance and facility management services for the next ten (10) years across Sydney Water’s wastewater, water and recycled water systems.
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